Right, so I had a thread for my build https://rsmegane.com/threads/rs250-race-build.22220/ it cuts the story a little for how i got to here. The short of it is, after blowing the bottom end, and a bit of fire, i've just completed my engine swap, everything seemed good to go, but the car just does a single click when you try to start it. I put power directly to the starter motor, the car started and it runs. -So it's not the starter motor being jammed When i ran power to it i did it from the battery... -So it's not a defect in the battery I checked the 25amp fuse no.19, it was blown, but changing it hasn't done anything, annoyingly. -so it's not fuse 19 The dash though is a christmas tree, although the car isn't fully back together, front bumper and lights still off etc. The list on the dash in orange is Check lights, check abs, check parking sensors. In red i have "braking system fault" and the big STOP in the middle. Would that be enough for the car to stop itself from being started? Only issue i can think of with the brake system is air from when the clutch was swapped during the engine swap. I've also ripped all the airbags out along with the brain of it. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!
Its going to be one of the big fuses on the positive terminal of the battery. Then you need clear all the codes and go from there
Try putting a jump lead from the negative terminal on the battery to the engine/gearbox somewhere just to rule out a bad a earth.
Immobiliser issue linked to bad earth would be my guess. Especially considering you’ve just done an engine swop. As suggested above run a temp earth wire to rule it out