Rear Parking Sensor issue?

Discussion in 'Electrical & Interior - Security, ICE, Wiring Loom' started by Stock265cup, Oct 17, 2023.

  1. Have a rear parking sensor issue with my car. For last week have had issue with rear parking sensors not working and alarm going off a lot of the time at low speed and 90% of when I put into fist gear ( which I find bizarre). Got some work done this morning by Mike at Rentech in Portsmouth, who I can’t recommend highly enough you live in the South East of England. Anyway question is anyone got any idea why problem is? Mike at Rentech said sensors corroded? Is there a fuse you can take out to delete the parking sensors? I’m a mechanical engineer but I’m no electrician. Any advice/feedback most welcome. Cheers.
  2. Sounds like could be reverse switch fault.
    When i had my clutche done, had something similar, was told it was the switch, they sometime mess up when taking the gearbox off.
  3. Interesting. Anyone got any info/photos on where this switch is located?
  4. Attached Files:

  5. Thanks for info, getting very annoying need to sort soon.

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