
Discussion in 'Detailing' started by Mike265cup, Jul 31, 2015.

  1. So decided to go down the sealant route since the car is GW, after a bit of research and recommendations I decided to go with zaino so bought the Z7 wash, Zpc, Z2, Zfx accelerator and Z6. Anyone used zaino before?
  2. Yeah love the stuff

    best stuff ive ever used on my LY is the z8 finale spray really glossly and makes the flake pop!
  3. I love using Zaino. z2 pro followed by Zaio followed by Z8 with Z6 wipe downs in between
  4. Z8 only product I have and I think it looks ace! However little little little is the way to do it!
  5. Yep and the key is buffing after you can see more and more gloss each time!

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