windscreen washers dead

Discussion in 'Electrical & Interior - Security, ICE, Wiring Loom' started by mjgoddo71, Jun 30, 2015.

  1. Hi,
    My washers are dead, there's no sound from the pump and the A/C and stereo are fine. Spent the last hour changing the washer pump, but still no joy. Other than the fuses near the glove box. Does anyone know if theres a fuse connected to the washers under the battery, or has anyone else had this problem and solved it? I've got a week till the MOT so would like to get it sorted quickly.
    Cheers for any help
  2. Sounds like a fuse to me mate, does the rear wash work as this is a separate pump iirc?
    Would have though the fuse would be under the bonnet.
  3. No mate both front and rear are dead, I think the rears from the same pump though, lights have their own pump. Looks like I'll be taking the battery undertray tomorrow! , can't wait heard it's a right pain in the arse
  4. Sometimes my fronts just don't work, then the light ones do, sometimes I do the front and the back one comes on lol. Have no idea what's going on!
  5. French electrics, I've done well had the car 3 years, this is first electrics problem. But had loads of other expensive repairs!
  6. It can be mate, they tend to be seized, get some penetrating fluid and leave them soaking for a bit, sounds like a good time for a airbox mod to if you have not done it already!
  7. I'll do that Boardy, do you know if there's a list of what fuse does what? Also the air box mod, does it work? I had a cone filter when i brought the car and i'm sure that sapped power, so i put the air box back in.
  8. Im not sure mate, I will have a look for you.
    Apparently so mate?! Makes a nice noise regardless!
    The power gains would be so negligible anyway you would not notice to be honest. The standard air box is ment to be quite restrictive though.
  9. Cheers
  10. Sorry mate, I can't find the fuse number for the life of me!
  11. May sound daft and highly unlikely but have you checked the hose and joints? The joint under bonnet had snapped on mine and was just spraying under the bonnet instead of out the jets
  12. Cheers for trying board, but burg, I've had in the past and replaced the joins. I'm not even hearing the pump run. I was going to look at the fuses today, but it's been too hot!! I'm gonna check all the glove box fuses first though.
  13. Cheers for trying boardy, burtyburg, I've had that in the past and replaced the joints. I'm not even hearing the pump run. I was going to look at the fuses today, but it's been too hot!! I'm gonna check all the glove box fuses first though.
  14. Well checked all the easy to find fuses (glove box and top ones near the battery). Unfortunately no joy, did check the headlamp washers which are fine?!?! Wired a battery to the old pump and it works?!?! Looks like I'll be checking the under battery fuses at the weekend although I've checked the megane pdf guides and none look like they are linked the washers.
    If anyone has any ideas please let me know, it doing my head in.

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