White 265 in Redhill on Boxing Day

Discussion in 'Spotted!' started by robpeyton, Jan 3, 2014.

  1. At least I think it was a 265. It was white with the red sticker pack - spotted at around lunchtime passing the BP garage/Halfords.
    My wife pointed out how sad it was that I could tell the car make from the engine and exhaust noise alone before it even came passed me. It sounded like it had either a decat or at least one or both boxes chopped as it was popping/cracking on gear change at only about 3.5-4k.
  2. Dan


    Not be.. But I'm close to Redhill. (In Horley)
  3. Liquidf1

    Liquidf1 Forum Trader

    Couldn't be a trophy could it Rob? Steveoox on here has a trophy now, he is close to us.
  4. Tropheys came in white and (i think) had the red sticker option that pretty much always peels off or goes milky red!
    If steves had a box chop or decat then it could be him Ed
  5. Liquidf1

    Liquidf1 Forum Trader

    Scrap that just remembered Steves is ly and I don't think we got white on the trophy over here mate.
  6. I think I saw this today, did it have the spoiler completely painted red? Red wheels too I think? Came bombing past me at the bottom of cockshot hill.
  7. Honestly, I can't remember if it had red wheels or not. It flashed past pretty quickly! I'm sure I'll see it around again soon though.

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