I can’t seem to find anyone that sells it. Kam racing list one but when you go on it it’s just a decat. I’m after one which takes up the existing place so I don’t have to modify the exhaust. I want to replace it once and that’s it, leave it on there.
https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https://www.ebay.co.uk/ulk/itm/142968741944 One like this fits in the original location Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Thanks. I’ve found RSTunings one at £396 and ktecs at £479. Rstuning is 3” while ktec is 5”. Does anyone have Dyno information on either to show what sort of power can be released without a decat but with a sports cat? Or any opinions on either. I’m adamant I want to keep the cat for mot time so decatting isn’t an option lol.
Yeah my car, the sports cat was second hand off eBay. It looks like a scorpion decat with a cat welded in the middle but it seems do to the job lol.
I had a cgr 200cell sport cat fitted to mine sounds great in my opinion! I had mot other day just scraped threw on the emissions so make sure you give the car a good thrashing before mot time if you going down sports cat route to be safe side on getting threw mot.
https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Megane-2...328587?hash=item33f85f520b:g:rGUAAOSw2yVb2Eiy There’s one on eBay