Whats going on with Forge?

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Joe R26, Aug 13, 2014.

  1. Okay so after putting on my stage 1 map, it became apparent to me that my standard recirc valve was leaking on boost. So with this I thought I'd order a Forge dump valve. I ordered one from an ebay seller called 'motorbling' who sells all sorts of car parts etc. I put my order in on the 4th of August.

    I'm still yet to receive anything and when I contacted the seller (who's communication is brilliant, replies instantly) He explained there was a massive back order due to Forge not making stock whilst they upgrade their website!?

    With this I contacted other reputable ebay sellers of this item and they also tell me they have none on the shelf and they are waiting on orders from Forge.

    Whats going on?!

    I didn't think Forge was a tin pot company?

    Its frustrating as I cant drive my car properly until this is resolved. I've resorted to buying a second hand recirc off here, in the hope it'll fix me up temporarily.
  2. IMO Forge have always had shocking customer service...
  3. I ordered a forge intercooler and it was back order for nearly 4 weeks
  4. It's mad isn't it. I always thought they would be a big firm and be quiet efficient. How wrong could I be lol. I have read your stories about forge before though Ben so I'm not surprised.
  5. I think you'll find the problem is more down to the current market trends for lean manufacturing. Companies these days just cannot afford to spend time manufacturing a product and to have stock sitting on a shelf waiting for someone to buy it.

    The Renaultsport market is tiny compared to say Ford or Mitsubishi so it makes sense to hold stock of items that regularly sell. Any other item will be made to order.

    Whilst this situation is not always good for the customer it is how a lot of companies are going. We have suppliers that won't allow us hold stock purely so they can control manufacture and stock holding. It allows them to make what's actually needed and stops certain companies having monopolies on marques
  6. I went direct to Forge for my intercooler. Never had any issues. Just had to wait for it to be made as stated on their website.
  7. IMO don't advertise something for sale that isn't in stock unless you specifically state the lead time before purchase.
  8. I ordered my forge dump valve through angel (cazan racing ) he had to order it in specially because I wanted black and it took less thn a week to arrive I couldn't have been happier
  9. But surely that is a fault of the ebayer and not forge, if it is still being listed as available?
  10. It does seem to be the case. It is frustrating that companies on eBay list them and you assume they have stock. Especially when it says on the eBay listing estimated delivery in three days or whatever. It's no problem I guess. Just a waiting game now.
  11. TimR26

    TimR26 South Central RSM Area Rep

    My experience of Forge Motorsport has always been good customer service.

    Example is emailed photo of my broken boost pipe yesterday and they sent a new one out straight away which is arriving today.
  12. That's good news as I'm going to put an order in with angel for one when I'm back from holiday in two weeks and this thread got me worried lol
  13. Still nothing yet. Won't be this week now I shouldn't think. Maybe next week. We shall see.
  14. Did the re circ arrive joe ?
  15. Yeah it did mate. It came yesterday. Thanks a lot :smile:
  16. Still no sign of anything. Been 14 days since ordering now. Doesn't fill me with confidence that the r26 dump valve kit is not even on forges website anymore lol.
  17. I finally received this on Saturday morning. Credit to the seller 'motorbling' on eBay as he did send it special delivery. Seems forge were the ones who were slow.
  18. I was going to use them but cazan racing are cheaper, offer free delivery and it's nice to support a site sponsor

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