What would you do ?

Discussion in 'Megane Discussion' started by BLADESBLOOD, Aug 29, 2015.

  1. Had a mint RS265 cup about 6 months, done about 300 miles.
    white, 10000 miles , dealer history, fully detailed underneath, pilots, looks amazing, RS** CUP reg.
    Got a Scenic and a 308 and just bought a nearly new T5 campervan
    RS sat doing nothing , never have time to use it but adore it and driving it.
    Dont know if I should keep it or sell it,just dont know.
  2. Done about 300 miles or 10000 miles I'm a bit lost, what's it worth, or you mean you've done 300 miles in 6 months, if it was an R26.R I'd say keep it as it not losing money but that one will be losing every month, if your not using it get rid
  3. Pics up and cost of selling may help , would you px

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