What Next - Mods

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by SteveKozy, Sep 21, 2020.

  1. Hey All,

    Owned my Meg 2 F1 r26 for the last four months. Done about 6000 miles and i can't get enough of it.

    Project wise, i always like to have some plans, but when i got this car it had pretty much a full list of modifications already.

    I was wondering what was left to do bar forging the engine and running a hybrid turbo.

    Ultimately, i don't think that the car needs more power, she runs 330hp already and she is at the upper limits of torque i think for stock rods (342). TBH it doesn't need more, its a road car daily driver.

    It performs flawlessly, there is no reason to change the power for that reason. Other than for something to do. But sometimes i do feel like it could rev a little more quickly/freely.

    Wondering what mods could be done that would effect this?
    Any recommendations?
  2. If it’s running that much power on stock internals it’s already on borrowed time, are you sure it’s not forged already as that is near identical figures to my mates one and his had to be forged to achieve that?
  3. Hi, It has a RS275 trophy engine and turbo, so its not a stock r26 block - should have pointed that out, my bad. :smile:
  4. Mod list to date

    2016 rs275 trophy engine
    rs275 turbo
    rs275 brakes
    rs275 fuel system
    630cc injectors
    95mm airtec intercooler
    turbo back miltek exhaust
    efi remap

    plus all the supporting suspension mods really. but thats it for performance.

    I know forging it would be one route, but i just want it to rev a bit more lively than it does. The power is very linear which is lovely but i'd like it to rev more freely.
  5. Ah that explains it then!

    Does it already have a smf conversion?
    That would save a good amount of rotating mass which should allow it to rev more freely if not.
  6. Actually no, it hasn't.

    So an SMF would allow it to rev better - cus that is what feels its missing.

    I'll look into it. thanks.
  7. I thought you were another dreamer until you pointed out it had the 275 lump in it

    SMF would be a good move, will have more noises coming through which can worry some people, best to change the clutch whilst you're at it too I'd have thought.

    I'm sure I've seen lightened crank pulleys knocking around here in the past, that could also help in freeing up the revs.

    What condition are your engine mounts in, don't over look these!
  8. Y
    Yes you can get them but I had one on my gt4 and it damages the bearings as it has no vibration absorption like a stock pulley does, investigate carefully before buying one of those.

    Agree about engine mounts too, uprated versions will definitely help it get more torque to the wheels.

    Does it still have the air con fitted?
    If it does and you could survive without it that’s more rotational mass removed And about 15-18kg off the weight of the car.
  9. The Aircon is there but its not gassed since the engine swap. As it is a daily with family duties, i thought i might keep it, but if it is that much weight and its just as easy to have the windows down then i may as well delete it for that weight saving.

    All the engine mounts have been replaced with new - but stock - i had a hard race one fitted and i didn't much care for it. All the the other bushes, links, arms etc. Have all been uprated and/or replaced.
  10. Yeah i should have led with what was on the car already lol would have helped!

    I am not keen on the hard engine and gearbox mounts - just effect the driveability a bit too much towards a track focussed car than a fast road car. Just my experience of them before.

    Not sure about the pulleys, i used to run lightened pulleys on my Impreza STI build and you did notice a difference definitely. Plus they were cheaper and better than OEM on the subaru - i'll research them for the Meg, thanks.
  11. JJZ


    when i seen this post pop up on my phone i thought wow an R26 running 340 bhp thats not possible it’s gotta be forged and he doesn’t realise it. then steve mentioned the 275 engine ah that would explain the power but apart from mods to the engine it’s pretty much all done like agreen said engine mounts would be a good call and suspension maybe coilivers

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  12. Yeah def should have started off with the mods lol. She already has coilovers - Running BC's - i think they offer good value and performance for the money. I've had more expensive and cheaper and tbh the BC's always shine well for the money. Still trying to tune them in for what suits me best in the Meg, but happy with them and matched to a set of Michelin PS4's i think they are pretty sorted.
  13. JJZ


    that’s gonna be my next mod steve is a set of bc coilovers there pretty well priced for what you get out of them i think 4kg front 7 kg back what set up do you have on yours and what’s the ride height like.

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  14. I thought it was 7kg front 4kg rear?
  15. JJZ


    is it poppa i’m not sure mate might be i might have it mixed up lol [emoji23][emoji1303]

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  16. This is what mine looks like. Ride height is perfect. Scrubs on full lock but that is the only issue. I would say its fairly crashy over pots and on speed bumps, so have to take them uber slow. But that is standard for a lowered car i think. In terms of set up. I have them set 5 clicks front, 8 clicks back. If that makes sense. I've tried more and it just gets a little more compromised at speed, especially on rough roads. Tyres i think make the biggest difference.

    IMG_20200919_135637.jpg IMG_20200920_215128_281.jpg IMG_20200921_190431.jpg

    Attached Files:

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  17. JJZ


    looks mint that steve suspension looks about maybe 25mm on the front and is it 30mm on the back iv got cooksport springs on mine and the ride height is 25mm on the front 30mm on the back i’d like to go 20mm on the front and 25mm on the back with the bc coilovers

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  18. Yeah i think that sounds about right. I have it written down somewhere.

    It also now runs 1degree camber front and back on a fast road set up. Made a fair amount of difference to how it drives i think. Would recommend that for sure.
    JJZ likes this.
  19. Mind me asking what splitter that is on the front mate?
    JJZ likes this.
  20. It was on the car when purchased, but, i think its a cupra R splitter??
    Stephen Portlock likes this.
  21. JJZ


    yep it’s for a cupra i think there about £45 quid

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