250 Weird Flapping/Rattle sound???

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by CCowan91, Sep 12, 2015.

  1. As above sometimes when I first start my car it makes a sort of flap/rattle mechanical noise for like a second or two. It doesn't happen all the time, but it doesn't sound very nice.. Just wondering if it's normal, it was louder than i've ever noticed the other day..

    Also noticed that if I start it up and go to pull away too quick the revs will litterally bounce from like 1k to 3k and back down and back up constantly like i'm blipping the throttle but I've got constant pressure on the pedal....?! I tend to let it idle for a good 10-20 seconds or so anyway but seems that is not enough sometimes.. Again not all the time and both don't generally happen together.

    Very weird, dunno if the 2 are connected haha..
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2015
  2. If I start mine up first thing and immediately pull away it also, as I'm releasing the clutch, revs up and down. It appears to be only when it hasn't been warmed up, I normally aways give it a minute or two and it never happens then. Don't know about your other issue,,,,

  3. I think at least... somewhat in my opinion as well the revs thing is the usual slightly crappy running of of the F4r engines from cold combined with the 'give' in the drive train the DMF provides means you get these slightly searching revs on cold. As you say, even after a few minutes of warming up it goes away.

    Can't comment on the first issue much though, there's 101 things that can make a noise without hearing it or searching using the mk1 ear probe it's hard to say. Mine taps from cold for 4-5 minutes because it has a slightly slow tappet which is another seemingly common'ish thing on these.
  4. Yeah, i've never experienced this ever haha so thought i'd ask. Literally shoots from 1k to 3k and back to 1k and keeps doing it while you have your foot on the pedal. Very weird. But now i just let it idle for a bit before I pull away and it's absolutely fine. Didn't think it would be serious, just curious:smiley:

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