225 Weird clunk/bang on braking

Discussion in 'Suspension, Brakes, Wheels & Tyres section' started by MeggieSVK, Mar 1, 2022.

  1. Hello guys, I'm battling this weird clunk sound on my 225 that is occurring every time I apply the brakes harder. It's like something is bashing into something almost like a metal on metal sound. But what got me last time, the car gave me this exact clunk when exiting the roundabout. Can someone point me at least in which direction should I be looking ?
  2. matt e

    matt e South East RSM Area Rep

    check the top engine mount stabilizer near the bulk head
  3. I've already changed all engine mounts and gearbox mount. All torqued to spec.
  4. Check the subframe bolts had the same on the track car.
  5. Will check, thanks
  6. Checking in after some time. Did the ARB bushings, changed tie rods, subframe torqued to spec, but still getting this clunk... I'm totally clueless....
  7. Steering rack or top mount bolts?
  8. rack was looking fine to me, the top mounts are probably the last thing that I haven’t checked yet
  9. Check the subframe bushes
  10. I mean they are far from new, but looked pretty much OK.
  11. I think it all started at the MOT on the suspension checkpoint. I forgot to unlock the steering and the machine has already started to beat the shit out of the suspension. Steering survived and there's no play in it but actually I don't know if this could be connected to it. I think since then, it started to do the clunking noise occasionally when going over a higher bump, but now it's doing it like at every harder brake/stop.
  12. What about when turning lock to lock at low speeds or into reverse like when you do a 3 point turn?

    Mine clunked when doing the above, it was the steering rack very slightly loose to the subframe.
  13. Rack seemed to be fine, but will check again just to be sure. Anyway since my last post on sunday, I haven't noticed it the whole week even with harder braking (knock on wood), so I guess the time will show.
  14. my car may been has same noise,in first gear, when faster than 20km/h,quickly release the throttle,it will happen,but besides the noise,no other exceptions,if you solve the problem,please reply me
  15. Have you checked all your engine mounts?
  16. I have not fixed it yet. But right now everything is pointing to the bad cv joint proba
    I was still not able to locatw the cause. I will probably try to change the axle with cv joints and see if that helps. Your issue seems more like the Agreen said. Check the engine mounts
  17. So after pulling all of my hairs I finally had the time and decided to go to my friend who is a mechanic to let him take a look on my problem. After we were completely clueless he started to check the subrframe and lower arms bolts. To my surprise the left lower arm vertical bolt was loose. After tightening it is completely quiet I’ve never felt so stupid in front of a mechanic
    Agreen likes this.

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