225 Wastegate info

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by Zappo_RS, Jan 27, 2017.

  1. Hi guys! I'd like to know how the wastegate works whit the pressure. In a stock engine the turbo works at 0.9 bar, right? So, over this pressure the wastegate bypass the exhaust gas...but if there is a 1.4bar pressure (for example after a remap) i should fit another actuator whit a stronger risistance...over 1.4 right? Or the standard actuator works over higher pressure, for example over 1.5bar? I don't know how the standard actuator is calibrate! Thank everybody and sorry for a not perfect english! :laughing:
  2. The pressure is controlled by the ecu that tells the n75 valve how much pressure to send to the actuator.
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  3. Ahhh...ok! So it's controlled by ecu and doesn't works by turbo pressure! Thank you very much :sweat::sunglasses:
  4. In short no it doesn't work directly on boost pressure alone. There is a valve that allows a set amount of pressure to the actuator which is controlled by the ecu.
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