Vmax events

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by JockySteer, May 11, 2015.

  1. Has anyone ever been to a Vmax event before? I've had a space reserved for me at Taranis on 11th July and am not sure whether or not to go.. mainly through fear of pounding my car up and down a runway all afternoon.

    Having seen vids of it though, it looks a great day out and I wondered if anyone had any experience of it?
  2. In a word - stonechips.
  3. I've been watching some of the many Youtube clips of last weekends Vmax, looks epic, so many amazing cars :cool:

    I'd love to go just to spectate, shame it's an invitation event only, don't think the Megane is going to cut it in that company somehow :smiley:

    I'd assumed it wasn't good for stone chips, a few cars, including a Porsche 918 were all taped up down the side.
  4. I'm just mindful that it's my own car I'm pounding to the limit every time I go up the runway. £395 as well for a spot. I'm tempted mainly because of it being at Llanbedr Airfield.. which means Snowdonian Roads
  5. I know what you mean, think I'd be tempted to do it if I had the right car, just do a few runs and then spend the rest of the day taking in and watching all the other machinery.
  6. Naith

    Naith RSM Admin

    My brother does the official photography for Vmaxx. The days are lairy, a supra lost it last sat, rolled and flipped for over half a mile, roll cage saved the guy.. You'd need to soup up a meg to even get looked at mind! haha!
  7. Yeah I'd like to go just to see the cars, don't know if any of you watch some of the supercar guys on YouTube but they all go and rag their cars up and down! Looks fun!
  8. Naith

    Naith RSM Admin

    supercar driver?
  9. Shmee150 always always has plenty of good footage to watch on Youtube
  10. Supercar driver, shmee, supercars of london, yiannimize!
  11. I might have to go, just to get on one of their vlogs :tongueout: 'Dedication Blog' is my favourite as he's part of the supercar driver club

    Didn't the Supra lose it because something caused the bonnet to open around 160mph?
  12. Isn't that the guy with the R8 and the lotus?
  13. yeah, sold the Lotus and bought a GT86 which he's doing a load of work on
  14. Naith

    Naith RSM Admin

    Yeh the bonnet flipped up.

    I help run supercar driver events with the owner Adam (actually a member on here). Was meant to be tagging along on a shoot today bit had other commitments. Some of the stuff this year has just bent my mind. Bugatti SS driving along a runway with a plane... Amazing stuff.
  15. Naith

    Naith RSM Admin

    Yeh he spends silly money buying footage in to post up!
  16. Feirny

    Feirny RSM Admin

    I go to a few of these events too, they're class and Adam does a brilliant job of organising them and Riad an equally good job in 'togging them.
  17. I think I might have to take up the spot held for me then! Is it likely that many cars will make the trip all the way out to Llanbedr?

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