R26 Vibration Through the footwell

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by Pagey3103, Jun 9, 2015.

  1. Im getting a vibration through the foot well when at lights idling. Tbf it feel like more of a wobble coming from under the engine.

    Anyone have an idea?

  2. Could be an engine mount, I'm having the same issue atm. Its a common issue with the Meganes apparently.
  3. I suspect it's a mount just haven't a clue which one . I've replaced the top mount next to the coolant bottle. I just want to be sure it isn't anything else .

    Would a clutch cause a wobble/ vibration ??
  4. Aye I'm unsure of which on so you g to replace them all in one go. Cheaper and easier way of sorting the problem that was.

    Not sure about the clutch causing the wobble though, perhaps the gearbox mount is affecting it as well. Unfortunately I have to wait another 3 weeks to sort my issue out or I could possibly be more help.
  5. Dogbone mount maybe? As its in the centre of the car quite close to the floor.
  6. Yeah that's the one, I have never changed it myself, but was looking at doing it as I have a small knock if a bit harsh with the clutch.
    I was under the car at the weekend for a service and it looks quite easy to be fair, I had the car on drive up ramps and the was loads of room.
    You can get the insert from eBay if you wanted to upgrade.
  7. Forgive my thickness but what's the insert
  8. The insert is just a poly Bush insert that fills in the holes around the normal mount, stiffening up the mount if that makes sense?
  9. Like this.[​IMG]
  10. I see, is it an aftermarket part. Any links please?
  11. Boardy is hoping to sort a group buy discount on these.
    Have a look at the 240 decat thread.
  12. I'm still waiting for a email back form them but I will keep you posted.
  13. Right, they will do a group buy discount on any powerflex part numbers of 5 or more, just sorting out the logistics of this one!
  14. Nice one I'll be in for this if its a decent deal
  15. Once I have the full details I will sort a separate thread.

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