very damp in floor cubby

Discussion in 'Electrical & Interior - Security, ICE, Wiring Loom' started by harpo, Feb 12, 2014.

  1. Jus lifted the hatch to get my sunglasses out to find a very wet (soaking) compartment under the drivers floor but carpet above not wet at all. Wheres that coming from?
    Ive had some inside condensation issues for a whjiole now too are they related?
  2. If you are getting condensation it probably means one of the drianage holes on your windscreen is blocked and water is pooling at the base of the windscreen and may be getting into the cabin via the cabin filter area. You NEED to keep ontop of the windscreen drainage, whenever i wash my car i always clean these out too as dirt/leaves get washed into the area.
  3. Had the same in my one mate, scuttle drains blocked, it doesn't take much to block them and is a right PITA to dry everything out. I poured some neat apc down the holes, left it for 10 mins and then gave them a good jet wash.
  4. Ash87

    Ash87 RSM Moderator

    Hold up, you had to use sunglasses?
    Not had that luxury for a while!
  5. Yeah, scuttle drains as suggested, just recently had the same problem. The insulation under the carpet will be soaking and will have to be removed and dried out indoors really or it will never dry out.......
  6. Blx! Can someone point out the scuttle drains for me? (Its a 250 meggy)
  7. Aahhh, sorry, didn't realise you had a 250, mine is R26. Could be same reason though i would have thought.....
  8. same panel as the wipers, near the wing end, small hole, easily blocked with leaves , shit etc.
  9. Open your bonnet for access. Look at the base of the windscreen where the wipers sit. In the plastic panel will be 4 drainage holes located at the bottom, of which given your symptoms one or more sounds like its blocked. Poor a cup of a water on your windscreen and watch what happens.
  10. Cheers mate , as soon as the tornado subsides a bit, i'll give that a go
  11. I've got this problem too, checked the drain holes earlier and a few of them were blocked. The holes are tiny though and I park under trees at work.... I will be unblocking these almost daily!! Is there not a more long term solution to this?
  12. Not that I'm aware of. Just keep on top of it, it only takes 30secs to clear each hole with your finger before you set off.
  13. Mine were indeed blocked ...i Have cvleared them and will see whether that does the trick......the drain holes a VERY small though which makes me wonder whether it would be worth enlarging them somehow
  14. Cleared mine out on Thursday, floors were wet again on Saturday morning. I'm not convinced these holes are the source...
  15. To be honest I'm not convinced either, i cant see how a blocked drain hole would divert water to the inside of the cabin??
  16. It does, happened on mine, cleared the blockage, never happened again, shit design but easily sorted, just put the hose over them every time you wash it.
  17. Have you dried the floors properly, most people strip the interior out to dry it otherwise it take ages to dry leaving it inside.
  18. Its quite common problem across the renault range
  19. Its under warranty get it back to your dealer its a 6 hour job in total.
    Interior needs to very stipped out and dried.
    also its not them holes on top its underneath the plastic panel.
    and the drains need modifying.
  20. Does Reno modify tbe drain holes under warranty?
  21. They sort out the whole issue. bring it to us were only in bristol and specialise in rs.
  22. @ lemon are you a renault dealer in Bristol?
  23. Yep im sj cook and sons sports specialists
  24. Naith

    Naith RSM Admin

    Never knew that! You had Josh's car in for paint recently?
  25. Don't work at the body shop. different site.
  26. Lovely local reno dealers gonna strip and dry and do a mod under warranty :-)
  27. Nice result!

    So is it worth me deliberately clogging mine and getting it fixed under warranty? lol
  28. ;-)
  29. So turns out one of mine were blocked under the panel even though I hadnt been recieving damp floor or any symptoms. While having a service I asked for the cabin filter to be changed incase it was damp and thats when they discovered the blockage. Lucky escape!

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