Uprated Fuel Rails.

Discussion in 'Group Buys' started by Big Uno, Mar 23, 2018.

  1. Big Uno

    Big Uno RSM Trader

    Hi all,

    I have had quite a few questions recently regarding fuel rails, I know there are not many on the market right now.
    So I am looking to register interest in a small batch of say 10 - 15 fuel rails.

    A quick spec will be as follows, there will be the possibility to customize them to a degree.

    • Single piece machined from aluminium billet.
    • Anodised colours will be dependant on highest interest, I am thinking yallow, black, red, blue.
    • Able to offer inlet / outlet or single inlet in centre of rail only.
    • My aim is to provide a single rail that will be interchangable between both mk2 and mk3.
    • Fitting to clio variants may also be possible and I will be able to locate the inlet / outlet at the ends of the rail to suit them accordingly.
    I am now at a stage of considering tooling requirements, I will be producing a prototype to show the end product. So please stand by for this.

    Pricing will be between £120 - £150 TBC depending on ending tooling costs. Of course the more I can produce the lower the cost will be.

  2. TimR26

    TimR26 South Central RSM Area Rep

    I’m interested if the prototype looks good.
  3. Gray

    Gray RSM Moderator

    Very interested.
  4. MicKPM

    MicKPM RSM Trader RSM Trader

    Oh, hai... I'd get in on this to.

    Gavin. and Gray like this.
  5. Put me down for one mate
  6. I'm interested

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  7. Count me in pal
  8. You know what I am after, stick my name down please.
  9. Id be interested aswell! Look forward to any prototype pics
  10. Interested too mate!

    Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk
  11. TimR26

    TimR26 South Central RSM Area Rep

    Any progress made on this yet??
  12. Big Uno

    Big Uno RSM Trader

    Been drawing up some ideas trying to fit both the mk2 and mk3 for one rail, unfortunately this is not possible so will stick with a mk2 design for now and adapt that later for the mk3, been in talks with a local machine shop but of course need to finish up on a design first before I can go ahead with anything. Hoping to have the design complete over the next two weeks.
    dub16 and Gray like this.
  13. TimR26

    TimR26 South Central RSM Area Rep

    Thanks for the update.
    Big Uno likes this.
  14. Hello mate, any more news on your fuel rails?

    Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk

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