uprated air filter

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by Northy 8, Dec 12, 2013.

  1. Are these worth doing like the ktr ones on the 225 cups
  2. Panel filter or induction kit?
  3. Just a panel filter mate like the ktec own brand
  4. I've heard that KTec one is not good. Doesn't last long and falls apart... Better go with BMC or K&N panel.

    Whether there'll be any change, I don't know. Let us know, if you choose to do it!
  5. I think the early KTEC ones split from the rubber surround. Paul sells some @ RS tuning ..
  6. I've got the pipercross filter, that's what they sell at RS Tuning too
  7. Yeh pipercross and get the airbox mod done.
  8. Sorry to hijack this thread, but when i bought the car there was a cone filter on. It's also mapped with the cone filter, however i was thinking of getting a standard box with panel filter, any of you think this can do any harm? Or any other advice on a good cone filter? (mine's a K&N but it's a very small one imo)

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