Turf in York

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by R26Chris, Sep 16, 2013.

  1. Bit random but anyone got any recommendations of turf suppliers in the York area? Needing about 56 m2. Cheapest quote so far is c. £145.
  2. crap info i know but there used to be big place out towards cattle somewhere that used to supply Leeds United back in the day of laid pitches. Not been out that way in ages tho so not sure if its still there.

    Personally i've just reseeded mine after the kids had played football on it all summer and worn some right bald patches in it. You may be a bit late tho as its now turning cold but i did mine week they went back to school, last of the germination has come through well with growth being 2-6cm now. Much better than laying turf imo
  3. Thanks mate. Its for our new build house back garden so its just bare earth at the moment! My girlfriends uncle has sorted us out now anyway. Happy days!
  4. No probs, this is a pic of part of my reseeded lawn that was 100% bald 2 weeks a go.

    I always re seed in march and at the end of October and feed/weed during the summer.


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