Turbo blankets

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by chris, Jan 18, 2015.

  1. This is referred to as creep damage, the heating and contracting changes the grain structure of the material over time and causes grain boundary defusion. (basically the grains separate causing weak spots )
    The blanket will help to an extent but i think it would be negligible.
  2. Thats the same one i bought, not got around to fitting it yet though, hopefully this weekend
  3. Can we get pics up of these... I was contemplating one of these about 4 months ago.. But don't know how to fit it.. Better yet how easy it would be to fit
  4. Got my turbo blanket earlier. Test fitted it on a spare and its a good fit.

    Just needs a little cut for the actuator rod.

    I'll fit it this afternoon when I get 10 minutes inbetween the rain showers.
  5. Looks great

    That a 250 turbo?
  6. It is the 250 hot side but I think its the same as a 225 one.

    Ive fitted it now its easy apart from getting to the holding springs.

  7. You leaving it as is or fitting the OEM shield over that? I'm interested to see what it does to engine bay temps.
  8. Leaving it as it is. There is a massive difference in radiant heat. I have also wrapped the decat.

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