Tunepoint update software

Discussion in 'Electrical & Interior - Security, ICE, Wiring Loom' started by mitch, Sep 20, 2013.

  1. Is anyone using the latest (2.42) version here? http://www.renault.co.uk/ownerservic...nt-update.aspx

    My 250 has 2.30 and was wondering what changes there were as there are no changelog files or anything with it.

    Album , Artist tag search would be good instead of just browsing folder structures but I don't know if i'm brave enough to try it out.. If it aint broke etc..
  2. My wifes clio has tunepoint and I think its terrible. Slow as anyting too. Maybe I need to update it.
  3. I only started looking for updates because I find the radio reception isn't that great, but it looks as if it may only update the USB part of things anyway. I use a micro USB (32gb I think) and I've no complaints about it being slow. It is often playing songs before I can read the titles whilst scrolling thru the list infact.
  4. I find it slow when scrolling through my artists. Mine does the same as yours when it comes to starting songs

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