R26 TTV SMF - 2 versions

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by Danith, Apr 16, 2017.

  1. Hi all, had a search and can't find anything so, I've bought a second hand TTV SMF thinking there was only one type, now I've found I've bought the R26/225 version but I want to R26r version as I want an uprated clutch (and not have a paddle clutch made) as mine is slipping very slightly follwoing my remap.
    So my question is, is it possible to have the R26 version machined to have the R26r clutch fit?

    I'm thinking I'd be better off selling this and just biting the bullet and buying a new R version at £360 (!)
  2. interested to buy if you want to sell it.

    Sent from my X2_Soul using Tapatalk
    Danith likes this.
  3. I've put a thread up in the marketplace section
  4. Anyone know for definite regarding the depth of the two?
  5. They are definitely different Dan.




    Danith and evlution like this.
  6. Yeah cheers, but wondering what the depth is on the R one?
    Might be able to machine the 225 one I have (which is 4.5mm)
  7. Actually, looking closer the R version has 3 notches cut out of it too, presumably to hold the plate in place (I'm no mechanic as you can tell!), so wouldn't just be a case of machining the extra depth?
  8. You won't be able to machine it mate as that will mean machining material off the face, which won't put the pressureplate any higher. From the top of my head the .r one is 8mm deep but not 100% sure
    Danith likes this.
  9. Makes sense mate thanks. Looks like I'll be selling this one then! Ta all

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