1. Hi my trip reset everything this morning mpg fuel usd the lot any ideas what could of caused this
  2. Might be a sign your battery is on its way out
  3. Will.

    Will. RSM Moderator RSM Moderator

    Yup battery is dying.
  4. I only replace the battery last year with a varta
  5. Will.

    Will. RSM Moderator RSM Moderator

    Possibly your alternator not working properly and not charging your battery up like it should.

    That's what it was on my Clio (although I wrote it off before I got a chance to swap the alternator and find out if that cured it).
  6. Tested my battery it should be 600en but only had 451 weird thing was day before it had a long run whats best way to test the alternator
  7. Check the charging volts with a multimeter it should be around 14.7 iirc
  8. Charging at 14.10 so guess alternator is ok
  9. I wouldn't bet. It should be 14.7~14.8 on idle no headlights.
  10. It did drop to 14.7 to 14.9 with no head light since iv swapped the battery we retested the old one and the charge had gone up to 570 en

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