Torx droplink nuts/bolts?

Discussion in 'Suspension, Brakes, Wheels & Tyres section' started by Adz07, Aug 3, 2013.

  1. Been having some fun trying to replace the drop links on both sides of the car, the ones with the bolt a torx slot and a nut.

    I've cleaned them off with a wire brush but they all got so far before jamming, can't tighten or loosen, I've gone through two torx heads today so wanted to know what everyone else does to remove those type of fixings?

    I ended up just cutting through the bolts :blush:
  2. Get better torx sockets, they shouldn't be rounding off. If anything the droplink should but they are quite hard as i've undone some seriously frighteningly tight ones without rounding anything. A decent penetrating fluid also helps (wd40 isn't a penetrating fluid).
  3. MicKPM

    MicKPM RSM Trader RSM Trader

    The Snap-On man hates me because I constantly bust T40's on Megane/Clio lower tie bars.

    Drop links are normally easy enough but air tools normally make mince meat of buzzing these off so not a common issue for me.
  4. Can you get some heat on it?
  5. MicKPM

    MicKPM RSM Trader RSM Trader

    Not without destroying the boot. Normally, with drop links, you get some mole grips on the rear and give the nut maximum chicken with an air gun or rachet.

    If that fails - Grinder (lolz)
  6. Are you saying you clamp the back of the drop link on the hard circular bit or on the rubber boot?

    Air tools would have made the jobs I've done in the drive lately sooo much easier! I wonder how many people here have air tools at home, I might look for a used compressor and tools.

    Even though everything has been an arse ache on the meg it's still good fun for me. Spend my days behind a desk so fighting with a nut a bolt makes me feel more manly :cool:
  7. MicKPM

    MicKPM RSM Trader RSM Trader

    Yep, there's a large round solid bit on the back from which the threaded bar protrudes from. Needle nose mole grips on that and you are winning!

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