I've hunted around for a rough guide on cleaning the throttle body on my R26 but can't seem to find a guide, and everything Google throws up seems to have conflicting ideas and guides on different models. I think I need to clean my throttle body as the car has had trouble finding its idle point a few times recently and this is something cheap I can try to rule out anything else. Can anyone tell me or show me a picture on where to find said part? I've got gasket seal and the tools required, I would just prefer a guide before I start poking around! Thanks in advance
Are you asking where the throttle body is? It's the two-tone item in the below, connected to the inlet, bottom center-right. It looks new because it was.
Just be careful of the hoses and clips around there. They are notoriously delicate and if you break one it's the whole pipe from Renault you have to buy [emoji846]
That's really helpful, wish I'd found that before! I've just cleaned it, it wasn't terrible so that may not be the issue but it's slightly improved since doing it! Here's a before and after.