In our brochure, it says that if a puncture developers on one of the front wheel, that you should swap the back to the front and put the space saver on the back. After speaking to various people, I think it's to do with the following reasons: Front wheel drive more load on front wheels steering done at front Wheel offset wouldn't be so much of a cercern (but space savers have small widths so proabably wouldn't affect steering etc if at front anyway)
Id if have thought it's because the space saver will cause steering concerns due to the width, if you forgot it had a space saver on and took a bend in the same way you would with wide wheels all manner of things could go wrong completely nothing to do with my reasons....i've going to buy the following: saving myself £80........but not sure what I can use to secure it down. Its got the right PCD & it's a 17th width = 135
dont forget the centre bore, if the centre bore is too small it wont fit the megane, if its too large then on the weight of that corner + forces will be excerted onto the wheel bolts
opss....forgot to check that........I give up....need to buy from renault!...hahah..worthwhile lesson, learnt about, bores, pcd, and offset
It's fine on a 225 / R26, on a 250 or 265 the front calipers are so big that a 17 inch space saver would hit the caliper