Sun strip

Discussion in 'Exterior & Bodywork' started by Superfly, Aug 9, 2019.

  1. 71BA3CED-8C65-4A0C-AACB-70D1C017761E.jpeg A2850E63-0FB9-4224-A051-685D9987D0D7.jpeg Decided to fit a sun strip, to see if it would look cool. I just bought one of those cheap window tint boxes from a auto shop and that’s big enough to cover the window, I was going to do it in one strip, however because the center top of window is blacked out I decided to fit it in two pieces, followed google steps and it went on pretty easily
    MorganJames and matt e like this.
  2. Ps excuse the dusty car
  3. 6BB2E461-7920-42BD-A6AB-A8733717C0ED.jpeg Looks better if car is cleaned
    osmanv likes this.

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