Subframes for megane 3

Discussion in 'Electrical & Interior - Security, ICE, Wiring Loom' started by jwilliams, Mar 13, 2016.

  1. What subframes are people using for bucket seats? I've only seen the ktec ones anyone have them fitted? I like to sit as low as possible
  2. I've got ktec ones, tbh they are a littlw on the narrow side but for me the sitting is actually perfect
  3. I found the ktec ones to high compared to standard, so I have modified side mounts on standard runners. Tbh my seats are really LOW some might say too low! Lol
  4. I couldn't see over the dash when I sat in it lol
  5. dru


    Genuine renault ones from an x85 cup racer are perfect and have loads of adjustment!!

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