Struggling for part number - rear arch gromit

Discussion in 'Exterior & Bodywork' started by Daz, Sep 29, 2015.

  1. Daz


    I can't find it on Dialogys, it's a bit grommit that lives under the side arch trims , I can't find a picture of it on google sorry!

    Anyone know what I mean? lol
  2. Daz


    No ideas peeps?
  3. One of these? 487a5baa0d642203bb4fe7682ab00325.jpg fa5bd46f3c31e08b9aed8f254ddcf76d.jpg
  4. MBC


    I need some of those too!
  5. Daz


    Naa not those it's actually on the body

    Actually my description is shocking - the rear arch moulding..
  6. GEt some generic ones
  7. Daz


    Right I have pictured it finally...

    Can't find it in Dialogys anywhere!

  8. That's the rear quarter panel not the arch. Looks like a grommet for the rub strip?

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