265 Streaming Spotify via BT in car - pauses??

Discussion in 'Electrical & Interior - Security, ICE, Wiring Loom' started by Frimley111R, Jan 23, 2016.

  1. Does anyone else play music via Spotify using bluetooth in their car? I mean downloaded music, not live streaming? I find with mine it always pauses for a split second at about 2 seconds before the end. It only does it in the car. Any idea why?
  2. Dunno about Spotify but I use amazon prime music offline the same way through bluetooth, never encountered that problem. Tried any other apps? Google have a music app aswell as amazon etc for example.
  3. I listen to spotify via BT too, iv never encountered that problem.
    I do on the radio, power goes for a split second.
  4. If its like my mobile put all your playlist in 'Offline mode'.
  5. They are, I'll try with another mobile just in case it's simply my phone.

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