steering wheel removal

Discussion in 'Electrical & Interior - Security, ICE, Wiring Loom' started by sunnylunn, May 9, 2015.

  1. Turned wheel upside down so red stitching is at the bottom, inserted screwdriver and push down on the catch then push down on airbag and lift out, feck all happens!
    what am i doing wrong, gonna hacksaw the poxy thing off soon, and yes, i've disconnected the battery, got a nice new Clio wheel to go on if i can get the old one off- HELP:confused:
  2. Use your hammer :wink:
  3. tried that Rob, even the big one isn't working:tongueout:
  4. Didn't you remove the one on the better car you had :wink:Surely it's the same ?
  5. Ed did it last time, i might be paying him a visit soon, i'm shit with stuff like this. This car is miles better :rolleyes:
  6. i think Josh has hacked your account mate :wink:
  7. if i keep telling myself that i'll believe it sooner or later, catch up soon Rob:cool:

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