Standard R26 Exhaust

Discussion in 'Car Parts For Sale' started by Cal, Oct 30, 2014.

  1. Cal


    With backbox chop.

    In perfect working order when removed.

    Located in NW London, open to discussing postage but now idea how really!


  2. Does this do away with the turbo whistle ?

  3. From my experience no it doesn't
  4. The whistle is created by the mid box which is still there
  5. Cal


    Yep, as these have stated.
  6. Cal


  7. Will.

    Will. RSM Moderator RSM Moderator

    Is there still a mount near the second tip? (The furthest away from where the back box would have been).
  8. Cal


    Can't remember truth be told. Looking at the pictures I'd say there isn't though.

    I can double check this evening.
  9. Cal


    I was wrong! Mount is there:


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