Stack boost gauge

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by ghosty0101, Jul 7, 2014.

  1. I've got a stack boost gauge in my drivers door by the window, but it's not connected at the moment. When I got the car the guy gave me a piece of hose that he said would connect it. Trouble is I'm not sure where it goes. I'm not massively bothered about it but I thought as it's sitting there I may as well use it! Any ideas as to where I can put it? Looks like it might tee off the hose coming off the BOV but I'm not sure where too from there?!? yby7ujut.jpg
  2. Conect it to the dv, from there to ure pod
  3. Well the dv is already connected to a sensor or something (I'll get a picture) but there's a piece of hose from the gauge that's open and this piece doesn't connect the two!
  4. Cut the dv pipe in the middle, put the t piece between the two ends and away you go. You have to pull the pipe pictured off its current outlet and put it on the next one effectively making a me if you get stuck I'll send you my number and talk you through it.
  5. Aah that makes more sense! But the pipe to the gauge is smaller and clear as opposed to this black piece! Will it work?
  6. Yep, boil some water, put clear pipe in it to make it supple, shove it on, off you pop.
  7. Okay I shall have a go tomorrow! Thanks all!
  8. All working perfectly! Thanks for all of your tips :smile: I'll stick some pictures of what I did on here! terusety.jpg paqy7eta.jpg ruzy6a6e.jpg
  9. Got any of the gauge?
  10. I'll stick one up tomorrow :smile: it's just a standard stack boost gauge. Came with the car so for the sake of a £2 piece of hose I thought I may as well connect it!
  11. Nice, waitng the pic, here is how mine looks like
  12. There it is! sabavujy.jpg
  13. Looks great that mate. Wonder where gauge pod came from?
  14. O i like it look so nice
  15. I'm not sure, I'm assuming it came with it, it's got all the gaskets inside with it and it's just cut into the plastic with a bit of rubber round the cut! Not massively technical but it doesn't look terrible!
  16. That looks great :smile: given me some inspiration

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