R26 Squeaky clutch pedal.

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by Alex, Nov 26, 2013.

  1. Somewhat annoying, the clutch speaks around the top of travel. Iv tried some wd40 on it today and it appears to have changed nothing. It appears to not be unheard of, does anyone know of a solution?
  2. I did as you said and it stopped, have another go :smile:
  3. Will give it another go in the morning. This time more liberally i think :wink:
  4. I had this problem on my Clio. What I would do is spray some silicone spray and it would help for a while, but it didn't last long. So when it was in for a service I mentioned it to the dealer and they sprayed it with some white stuff. I haven't had a problem since. Don't know exactly what they used, but they told me squeaking clutch pedal is a pretty common problem...

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