Dunno where its came from, probably someone just walking past the car with something. Not far above the wheel arch, only about 2-3 inches long. Car's white so quite noticeable though. Scared it might be too deep to just remove with a bit polish and cutting pad though.. Can feel it with your finger to
After some one nudged my rear bumper I had the black showing through a slim crack in the paint.I was very very angry, I've actually had someone go around the car and try and find something wrong with it and nothing after I did this. I used meguiars scratch X 2.0 a clean gotten cloth and lots of effort (I imagine a DA would work better/be easier) but it closed the paint back up and it's spider web thread thin now, the black isn't coming through. Can't even see it unless your 10 cms from it and eyeballing it. It took me about half an hour to get it to that stage.Just make sure the area is clean and give the area a wash and wax/polish after.
Yeah i think it needs painted if i'm honest.. Even if i dont want to admit it lol. Another thing to add to the list. Never ending