265 Slightly notchy / vague steering

Discussion in 'Suspension, Brakes, Wheels & Tyres section' started by James265trophy, Mar 9, 2018.

  1. Noticed my steering has been very slightly notchy / vague recently, it also seems to wander about a bit. Any ideas?
  2. tryi
    trying to address the problem now on my R26 with the same symptoms.
    already done the droplinks and steering bush in the rack..improved,but still not right.
    now have ordered inner steering arms and track rod ends..hoping that does it.

    Could possibly just be your tracking.
    Had mine done,tires were wearing even,but the geometry was all over the place.
  3. -Jamie-

    -Jamie- RSM Moderator

    Any squeaks or creaks?

    Id be swaying towards it being the swivels, What milage and age is it?
  4. No squeaks or creaks, lower swivels have done 19k so it’s possible they may be on the out.
  5. could be inner track rods as i think mine are original but can’t feel any play in them, let me know the results after you’ve fitted yours.
  6. not sure about notchy but other symptoms could be one front spring has become 'tired' and is slightly short than other leading to one drop link exerting pressure on ARB in straight line, that would for sure give vague wondering sensation.
  7. Could be, it has H&R springs on it but not sure how old they are, it’s a minefield when it comes to suspension haha.
  8. i
    it fkn is!..i have also bought all new shocks and springs!
    If this dont sort it,its gone.
  9. Haha, I think I’ll start with tracking and work from there, don’t fancying buying new shocks just yet lol.
  10. Mine has the exact same feeling and the Swivel has gone on one side. Last time it was changed by the previous owner was 22K ago. So mileage stacks up.

    Just trying to find someone local to do these. No one wants to and all the specialists are miles away. Also been trying to get an old swivel. As I can get them pressed out and new ones in. Then rope a mate into doing it.
  11. Sound like it’s the swivels then, think someone is breaking a Megane with swivels for sale, http://rsmegane.com/threads/megane-250-265-parts.16366/
  12. These may be worth fitting, sound more heavy duty.

    Attached Files:

  13. Sorting one with DrunkenMaster now!

    I think the ones for the cup cars are recommended. There was a UK supplier. But they apparently are tricky to get hold off. Mine came from the Polish ebay shop.

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