Hey all, as per the title I’m getting a slight noise from the rear right when I go over most bumps at normal speed on the road. It’s like two metal things are hitting each other each time making a “ting” sound. I’ve attached 2 pics; one is the rear left suspension spring, which has the rubber cover thing at the top which surrounds the top of the spring pretty much fully, however the second pic shows the rear right and the rubber cover looks to be half on, meaning the spring may be coming into contact with the metal piece shy of an inch above? Does anyone think this could definitely be the issue? I can attach better pics tomorrow if this helps. Cheers
Yeah I thought that even though I have very limited experience with suspension etc, Thanks. I’m gonna try driving and putting some rubber over the metal plate to see if that stops it. If it does, I will take off the wheel and refit the spring. You got a pic of yours so I can see the difference in position?
Right turns out about 3 inches at the top of the spring have snapped clean off, so that’s why time for my first go at suspension work lol
First go didn’t go too badly but needed my dad for help. Also didn’t realise the rears were on one beam, thought they were separate, so a 1hr job (haven’t done this before) turned into a 3 hour one start to finish