Shortshift fitting - NW London and out..

Discussion in 'Megane Discussion' started by Cal, Oct 28, 2014.

  1. Cal


    For some reason it wouldn't let me edit my previous post?

    I'm now back in London and still looking to get this fitted. Anyone comfortable doing these within a reasonable distance?

    Cash waiting!
  2. Cal


    Come on, must be someone closer than 140 miles (mark black) ?
  3. I can fit them but I'm up in Essex.
  4. Cal


    Where abouts bud?

    Still probably less than half of the 140 miles I've got on the table so far!
  5. Cal



    As lovely as it looks I can't say it's pulling me in..
  6. Southend area, is it an adrewjeffs modified link?
  7. Cal


    About 58 miles each way - could be worse!

    Yes it is.
  8. Liquidf1

    Liquidf1 Forum Trader

    Would happily do this for you mate but just don't have time at the moment.
  9. Cal


    It's no worries mate, hopefully Ben or someone else will be able to.

    I've wanted it for 2 years now, what's another week or two!
  10. Cal


    Still looking if anyone is available!

    Ben has offered but is busy at the moment, and I'm an eager beaver! :smiley:

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