RS275 - A few possibly odd noises...

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by SilverSport, Apr 19, 2016.

  1. Hi all,

    Having had the RS about a month now, I'm starting to feel at home with it, but a few noises it makes are making me wonder whether they are normal or not...

    Noise 1: In Sport mode on full throttle, once the revs get up higher, probably 4500-5000rpm and above, it starts to make a whine/whistle (probably more a whine, almost turbo whine) noise all the way up until close to redline (I'm yet to redline it!) Is this normal?

    Noise 2: When releasing the clutch pedal fast either when changing gear or dipping the clutch, a rattle noise comes from the engine bay as it disengages, possibly sounds like DMF or something similar, is this quite normal? lol

    Noise 3: The engine occasionally has a bit of a rattle. After a spirited drive this evening, letting it sit for an hour or so and then driving it again, it seems just a little rattle when revving the engine. Is this normal? I understand, I think, that the engines can be a little 'non smooth sounding'. Again, is this normal?

    If anyone could aid my wondering mind with "that's normal" or, if it's not, let me know, that'd be great! It'd put my mind at rest!

    Thanks in advance.
  2. I've had noise 3 ( light revving ) only when engine warm and thought was dmf ,but all seams ok
  3. Yeah the engine is definitely warm for me too, I've just been out to check the oil (plenty, nice and clean too) and the engine bay is still pretty hot!
  4. In terms of the whine, check if it is gear related- be v interested to know if it only does it in 3rd...
    If so- you are not alone.

    Number 2 is completely normal. There is various theories to what it is but they all do it.

    I wouldnt worry about the third mine makes loads of noises but it's solid as. They aren't the most refined but it's always a mix between refinement and being tough enough to be what it is.
  5. 2 and 3 happen with my 265
  6. With the whine, it seems to do it in any gear, well, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, I haven't taken 4th or above close to red line yet. I'm unsure if whine is the best word to describe it... It gets louder the higher up the revs you go and almost sounds to me like it could be air/turbo/exhaust and that's just the noise the car makes...?

    Glad to hear that both of you also have noise 2 & 3.
  7. My 250 has the whine only in 3rd and the clutch rattle. Always had it since new.
  8. The first noise you mention is the turbo surely? Put it this way - I can hear the turbo spooling up on my car - nothing untoward.

    Noise 2 - not experienced this.

    Noise 3 - this could just be down to heat and expansion. These cars generate so much heat after a spirited drive which makes things expand and contract at different rates. You can hear all sorts of noises after you park them up when hot. If you drive it an hour after I wouldn't be surprised if it makes a few groans.

    Is the car running okay? I guess the answer is yes, and with the warranty that I presume you've got, I honestly wouldn't worry and just enjoy driving the thing.
  9. 1, 2 and 3 happen to me. Had a run round the Evo Triangle today and had all three. Quite normal just enjoy the drive.
  10. The whine is possibly gear whine. Reason why I mentioned 3rd is that it is actually normal most of them do it. There is a video on YouTube of a black Trophy and you can even hear it in that video.
    With the stereo on you can't hear it at all if it's normal.

    Take it back to Renault and just express your concerns- get them to look at it so you have a paper trail then if it does go wrong you can show you raised the issue at an earlier date. I should imagine it is just normal gear whine however
  11. Thanks for all the replies on this, definetly put my mind at rest, and as you say, might as well enjoy driving it without worrying!

    After driving a bit recently I'm pretty sure that the first noise is just turbo noises, whooshes etc, it's certainly a lot louder on boost than my MPS was!

    I'm also pretty sure it has the third gear whine that a few have mentioned and seems common, I seem to notice it more some days compared to others.
  12. Given up paying attention to all the various noises they make, sometimes they make more sometimes less, seems to depend on the alignment of the moon and the planets sometimes....
    They sound like a bag of spanners sometimes, with the DMF chatter you get sometimes depending on how you come on and off the clutch and the gearbox sounding like a station signal box :smiley:

    Still struggle to see anything worthy of a replacement for mine though, great cars.
  13. This pretty much sums it up for me! some days, it sounds so quiet, others, not so... lol Either way, my mind is at rest and I just drive it and deal with it, it's worth the little noise for the rewarding drive!
  14. On noise three - I just had the valve replaced that recirculates fuel vapour into the intake, I’m not sure what it’s called, but it made a rattle/ticking noise, pretty much like injector noise. Could hear it from outside the car if you listened very closely from the front. It was active too often and resulted in it running rich and fouling the plugs. Car has done 194,000km and now sounds brand new again

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