250 Rs250 startup noise

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by johny_rs250, Apr 16, 2017.

  1. Hi guys my rs250 made an odd noise on startup today it was like a loud whining noise which reduced to low kind of ticking sound after a few seconds the car wasn't cold as was driving it about 40 mins before hand it has had all its belts etc done but first time owning none of these cars so any help is greatly appreciated

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  2. They're all a bit rough on initial start up imo, think agricultural ;-)
  3. The first time I started mine I thought.....diesel.....definitely rough but no noises the op mentions......sounds like a belt noise though or a tensioner?
  4. See if you can capture it with your phone
  5. Sorry to bump. But did you ever find out what was wrong? I started mine after a 20min drive and it's started doing the same. Awful loud grinding noise that goes to a slow tick!

    It make a sort of juddering noise when I turn the engine off too. At first I thought might be starter moter, but sounds like it's coming from the belt side of the car. Like could be auxiliary belt or knowingly my luck will be full belt change required depaser pulley or something

  6. I'll try get video tomorrow

  7. So I got a video. Its not great so I tried to take another but in true Renault fashion the noise won't happen again now.... I think the aux belt isn't in the right place. Last night when. I looked in it looked quite far over. And this morning it is more central but still not bang on . Do you think this could have caused the noise? Heat was high last night and it was a long drive these cars get hot enough as is. It doesn't sound anywhere near as bad as it did idling either now. I swear this is my last Renault mind you I said that after the 182.

    Or could it be tensioner/or aux belt? @johny_rs250 you ever get it sorted, found out what it was, sounds exactly like my issue?

    The cars gone back to standard rough ass F4R/F4RT (ha Fart I'm such a child)

    Last night I was fairly sure the belt was running over the edge against the alternator.

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