Hello all, My Megane headlights weren't working this morning, either on automatic or manual setting. The LED daylights, sidelights and full beam are all ok, but my normal headlights were both out. It's possible I've been driving with one not working for a while and now the remaining one has gone (but I hope I'd have noticed that). Does anyone know if you get a warning message on the dash if your headlights aren't working (I had this on a previous car, it wouldn't tell you which bulb was gone so you had to work it out for yourself and it could be an obscure one light rear number plate bulb)? If there IS supposed to be a warning message then it suggests the car thinks all is well. What else could be the cause? Any ideas/info gratefully received! Cheers Paul
I would imagine you should be seeing a warning message? First thing I would check are the fuses. There's two fuse boxes, one in the glove box and the other in the engine bay. I believe the headlights are in the engine bay box. Is your car xenon or normal? Should be easy enough to check the bulbs on the normal lights. I wouldn't know where to start with the xenons though.
Thanks for the reply. Mine has normal lights, not xenons. I'll get the manual out when I get home to see where the fuses can be found then. It's quite damp this morning so I'm wondering if moisture could have got in or something. Would a dodgy fuse be easy to identify? Or is a case of just swapping them around to see what works and what doesn't work? I'm assuming there should be a warning message for a blown bulb too - my previous Alfa had a generic message and it was a 10 year old car and hardly loaded with options/gadgets.
Dont get swappin the fuses around, each fuse is different ratings and you could end up blowing more fuses. Normally there will be a diagram on the cover of fuse box indicating what fuse/relay is for what. So just look for the ones that look like symbols for lights and check it. It should ve obviously if its blown as you can see a zigzag strip of metal in the middle of the fuse, this is what blowns. Then just get another one from halfords or any other motor facture
Im pretty sure aswell theres no canbus warning system on the lights on 250, ive put normal LEDs in sidelights, reverse lights and number plate lights and it hast threw up any faults.
Cheers Ryan. I've found a copy of the manual online and, as you say, the fuses under the bonnet are a variety of ratings, so thanks for the tip not to just swap them all around! And yes, having rummaged through the manual there is no mention of the Megane 250 having any warning lights/messages when a bulb is gone. Seems a bit odd to me as much older cars have such a warning and yet the Meg DOES have readings for tyre pressures (which surely is more complicated than detecting a dead bulb). I'm suspecting both bulbs have gone (and possibly not both at the same time - I've probably just failed to notice one gone). So I've ordered a pair of replacement H7 bulbs and will try replacing them as a first step before tinkering with the fuses (which I suspect aren't very accessible). Thanks for the help.
Dont think renault have every embrassed canbus light bulb warning system on there cars like the germans etc. you may find one of your bulbs have gone and took the fuse.
UPDATE: I bought a pair of replacement dipped headlight bulbs (H7 - went for the brighter Osram ones) and replaced them today (in between rain showers). Both lights now working, so it appears to have been just a pair of blown bulbs. I wonder how long I'd been driving around with 1 gone for....Now that I know Renault don't provide any dashboard warnings I'll now be checking they're all working more routinely! The process for replacing them was remarkably easy, at least compared to other cars I've attempted it on. It took about 10 minutes to do the pair. Good job too as it started pouring down moments after I shut the bonnet.