RS250 Clutch Options?

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by Bumblebee, Aug 23, 2013.

  1. Looking at getting the Clutch, DMF and CSC changed on my Meg.

    Just wondering if there are any uprated kits or will it have to be OEM?

    Ideally would like uprated clutch and possibly a SMF conversion.

  2. Markblack@MRS

    Markblack@MRS RSM Trader

    Don't go for the helix kit
    I ordered two kits 9 weeks ago
    Chris Wheeler likes this.
  3. Has it only been that long? ;-)
  4. 11 months for mine to turn up, I think Lee's took a long time as well. Must be if it takes that long to make should outlast the car!
  5. My helix kit arrived within 3-4 weeks of being ordered.
  6. Yeah my Helix took about 9 weeks to come. I was very close to canceling the order.
  7. Is the Helix kit available for the 250?
  8. Yes, hulk250 has it fitted to his car.
  9. Had anyone fitted a SMF to the 250?
  10. -Jamie-

    -Jamie- RSM Moderator

    I personally wouldnt bother going by the issues that people had with the Mk2 Megane
  11. But a lot of people also complain about the clonking noise when coming off throttle on the 250s of which im convinced is the DMF, would be handy to see if this would cure it.
  12. -Jamie-

    -Jamie- RSM Moderator

    It doesnt affect performance/driveability of the car though so don't know why you would want to waste your money, Changing to SMF is not a cheap thing to do.
  13. Can't think that I've owned a car with a DMF before unless 1.6dCi Clio's had them.... I have to listen very carefully to hear it in mine and even then only very occasionally can I hear it make a bit of a noise, it's very quiet.

    I prefer to think manufacturers kind of know what they're doing so there's a reason to have a DMF over a SMF and it should probably stay that way.
  14. Its a very unsightly noise, to rid of it alone would be reason enough for me to convert and whilst your there good reason for a lightweight unit.
  15. There are no issues Jamie as far as I know - I asked Paul at RS Tuning
  16. Well sorry if just re-opened this thread, however I have single mass I would NOT recommended a SMF in anyway.
  17. Not that I'm considering one but could you elaborate? Just interested what issues people have had.
  18. I have the same issue. It is definately the DMF. When I removed my gearbox at 40k miles, we checked the DMF for rotational play, and we found that it was well within specs (roughly 20mm cirucmference play). My contacts at Renault say you should replace the DMF if the rotational play is 25°, or 60mm circumference.

    Unfortunatly, my car has started to vibrate now while idling, which is a common symptom for DMF failure. Also clutch bite-point is gradually getting worse.

    So I was thinking about replacing my flywheel rather soon as well, and actually wanted to go the SMF way. I just really dislike DMFs due to their lack of immediate feedback and clutch bite point. And their insanely stupid short time to failure (currently done 60k miles), and repairs are looking at £1000+ by Renault, just silly.

    I am curious why you don't like the SMF Martin RS?
  19. -Jamie-

    -Jamie- RSM Moderator

    I have a light SMF in mine now as well and have had it since the start of the year.

    Noisy, noisy thing, Louder than the engine and decat'd exhaust on idle. Makes more noise now than when it did when it was first installed.
  20. What exactly makes an audible noise from fitting a SMF?
  21. I've heard about these smf's making noise. Can't imagine what would cause it though
  22. -Jamie-

    -Jamie- RSM Moderator

    The SMF doesn't have the damping that a DMF has hence the noises and vibrations that come with it, Mine feels like it had shagged engine mounts as well on idle and off throttle.
  23. It might sound a bit odd that it makes more noise under idle, but there's probably two reasons for it.

    1) The flywheel is a lot lighter than the DMF, hence it makes the engine run less smooth during idle
    2) The second sprung rotor of the DMF acts by its intertia as an 'extra flywheel'. Hence, when the engine idles irregular, it'll keep things going more smoothly, something the SMF can't do.

    Off-throttle you'll see the effects of the drivetrain directly transferred to your engine mounts, as Jamie also says. There's no more sprung rotor to take the majority of those forces anymore.

    I think that if you really want an SMF, you'd have to experience it in person (don't know anyone in my area that might have one fitted :worried:). Changing it back to a SMF is already a long job, changing it back again to a DMF if you don't like it is even worse.
  24. but what's different about the whole drivetrain since it makes noise and vibration? My older cars didn't have DMF's and there were no problems with noise/vibration...
  25. They were probably balanced better.
  26. so the manufacturers just got lazy over the years?
  27. Taking away a torsional dampening device from your drivetrain of course brings you additional noise and vibration. Your gearbox will likely make some additional noise as well (i.e. gearbox chatter). But then again, this all differs from car to car. Cars that are fitted with an SMF from factory usually have an aditional crankshaft pulley with springs to absorb the drivetrain shocks, we don't have that.

    Best option would be to fit an SMF with a sprung clutchplate (similar to K-tec's paddle clutch kit for the M2RS, this has torsional springs in the clutch instead of the flywheel). This way you retain the ability for the drivetrain to absorb major shocks through its sprung clutch plate.

    But then again, clutch options seem so incredibly limited on the M3RS compared to the M2RS, it's rather dissapointing. I would've bought a sprung paddle clutch + SMF in a hearbeat for my M3RS.
  28. Do not go SMF option.
    Done it and got the bills. Can't say anymore at present.
  29. -Jamie-

    -Jamie- RSM Moderator

    I have one and have had one since March with no issues other than the noises.....
  30. Same as Jamie. I've had one since July with no probs other than noises which for me only occur 1-2% of my driving time.
  31. -Jamie-

    -Jamie- RSM Moderator

    Mine is very noisy, I think it is the lightest one that TTV do, Rattles and chatters as soon as there is no load on the drivetrain
  32. Just looking into this - has anyone got an Xtreme clutch? I see ktec sell them but haven't had any experience of them on other cars... It's usually been exedy
  33. I'm going to be changing my clutch soon on my 250 Cup.

    How much power can the OEM clutch handle?

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