Rs tuning group buy

Discussion in 'Group Buys' started by Nunez20, May 7, 2015.

  1. I'm there at 1pm. Would be good to put a face to a name :smile:
  2. the boss is away this week so I cant pop down at 1, my car will be there a white r26. hope you get some nice gains
  3. Cool I'll steal any nice bits off it that I can see :wink:
  4. What you having done?
  5. The exhaust rubber holder snapped so it's held with a cable tie so they are fitting a new one, nothing good really

    it much to steal one the car, it could do with a wash if you have time
  6. how does the car drive duke?

    i went and got my car but you had left, think he said you got around 255 but he could not remember the exact figure.
  7. Hi mate. Saw your car in there just before I left. It made 253.5bhp. It's made 231.2bhp standard.

    Feels really good especially through the mid range. I'm happy with it :smiley:
  8. Can people do a - before/after agains and what mods they have?
  9. 100% standard R26

    Before 231
    after 253
  10. Nice one, good drive back?!
  11. It was. Feels really strong compared to standard. Might have detected a little clutch slip in 4th. Hope I'm not right, but it's covered in under warranty either way thankfully.
  12. Standard r26
    231 before 255 after
  13. Who are you with for the warranty? I took one out with the AA and I've never had a straight answer as to whether it's covered or not!
  14. Mines with Marshall warranty care. The bloke I bought it from had got an extended warranty and transferred it onto me when I got the car. Mine specifically states clutch and flywheel parts but I have to pay up front so it's always a bit nerve wracking waiting for the cheque to come through.

    Bit frustrating at the end of a long day and a relatively modest bhp and torque gain. But hey-ho
  15. My extended warranty with renault states clutch not included -_- going to ask the question when I'm there to what the 250 clutch can handle
  16. I was told by the AA that if the master cylinder goes and causes the clutch to slip then they'll pay and apparently that's usually the case, but saying that their own technician broke my headlights and cost me £350 and they refused to pay!
  17. Well it's not covered for me.

    Only definite mechanical failure rather than wear and tear which is what you would class mine as I suppose.

    New clutch and flywheel fitted at RS tuning is £960 for updated flywheel and .r clutch.

    Turns out to be an expensive remap eh?!
  18. 960 ! thought they were a lot cheaper than that, try Mark Black. When Mark took my clutch out, the slave had split and was pissing fluid everywhere, it still hadn't started to slip, so i got in just in time. The .R clutch pack and SMF is a great upgrade, well worth it.
  19. Thanks mate, there is a chance that if the slave cylinder has split on mine that the warranty will cover it as that will be classed as a part failure.

    I really hope so!!
  20. And yeah Paul just quoted me £800 plus VAT. Which is painful.
  21. ouch, give Mark Black a call
  22. I'm sure you could find the cylinder split!!
  23. That's exactly what I'm thinking. Just need to have the conversation with the garage.
  24. Mark may still have my old one, it was knackered.
  25. That would be really handy sunnylunn. Could show the warranty company a photo and explain to them how it caused the clutch to slip.

    I would of course cover postage + beer costs :wink:
  26. Looks like I have sorted things with the garage for now :wink:
  27. we should have a thread someonewhere with mods done and remap figures would be quite interesting and it would show potential gains expected also for anyone thinking of getting a remap in the future
  28. this still on? looks like it? also what date are you aiming for?
  29. 20th of July for me, anybody else booked in for then?
  30. There would be a huge variation of power on these buddy. Some engines respond more to tweaks than others. Also different dynos give different results.

    I posted a thread on recommended mods on a different board.
  31. yer sorry i mean more of like an interest point of view rather than guide or 100% accurate ref point as i know iike you say these will be variances.

    just thought it my be intesting just something like for example

    stage 1 rs tuning 272 hp

    mods were:
    (list of mods here)
  32. I'm in on 25th July if anybody else is. I know he said he had one in that day
  33. 13th of July For me. First day of the summer holidays so plenty of time to play around once its done.
  34. Anyone had a meg 3 mapped yet on this group buy? How much was it? I'm up there on Tuesday
  35. It's 354 total for the 3's pal :smile:
  36. I'm on the 28th july jdrummo :/ would have been nice meeting someone there haha
  37. Oh and just remembered chaps, RS tuning sell pipercross cone filters for 34 pounds so if you want more noise (and they said might give a little extra power with map) there available, will be getting one for mine
  38. If I'm not on shift that day I'll come over I don't live far away. Be good too meet some members.
  39. Sound mate would be good :smiley:
  40. depending how busy work is I could walk down on a few days and meet a few people, I work a 2 min walk from RS which is a bonus

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