Retrofit Xenon Issues.

Discussion in 'Electrical & Interior - Security, ICE, Wiring Loom' started by tom newnes, Sep 5, 2022.

  1. Hi,

    Recently bought my megane 250. It had a Xenon conversion retrofitted, it has capacitors fitted. It also has auto lights. I am getting the passenger light randomly shut off (restarting car fixes it) with the drivers side light flickering, obviously not a good look.

    I have taken the lights out, both have capacitors in them, and i have shaken them (as I thought it occured over bumps) and nothing happened, both were fine.

    Do you guys have any other suggestions on what to check? I noticed the lights only have 2 out of 3 connectors plugged in (my guess was the auto level sensors not there as not factory fitted)?

    If I turn the car on and off both lights work again, making me think its not bulb related.

    Many Thanks

  2. Check the ballasts. I had a cheap eBay ballast and it had the same symptoms as yours, I then swapped it for one BMW / Mini one and it cured it
  3. really? How would I know if they're faulty? Also, I don't suppose you know the part number you swapped for? Thanks
  4. Can’t remember the part number but it will be a number on the ballast unit it’s self

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