Is this a simple job of turning the car on full lock and getting a 32mm spanner or so on the tie rod to unscrew it from the rack, as per most easy to work on cars, or a complete nightmare like the 182s? If I can't get access to them I'll get the specific tool off eBay but rather save the £50 if someone can confirm you can get to them with a spanner? Don't have the means to get it up in the air before I attempt the job! thanks all.
I'm looking at doing mine, too. From what I can gather, the inner ball joint is smooth round without spanner flats and access is difficult - I've come to the conclusion that I'll buy the proper tools. It seems some people on other forums have done it with plumbing wrenches, but that doesn't really seem right to me and of course you can't torque it up properly like that - too safety critical in my view.
I've done the job on 182s before and as stated the crowfoot is the only real way to do it. Haven't looked at the ones on the car but my Genuine renault replacement items have smooth ends for a 32mm spanner which makes me think access is there but then again the clios have the flats too. should have kept that crowfoot lol
I struggled doing some once tried grips and afew other tools seemed stupidly tight. Got the correct tool and it didn't even feel like it was tightened
Where abouts are you Ben? More than happy to lend you it. Similar to this one pictured: