R26 Replacing gear gaiter

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by eddie ninja, Jun 24, 2017.

  1. So original gear gaiter disk thing has lost three of its clips/teeth.
    Bought a new one.
    How the heck do I fit it?
  2. A picture would be useful then I'd know on what I'm responding bud

    Sent from my P1000 using Tapatalk
  3. If you don't know what I'm describing then you're no fucking use to me :-)
  4. The silver surrounds (with crappy thin faux leather) can be bought dirt cheap from eBay.

    I quite like the original gaitor (a grey colour with white stitching?) so I went the long way round and found out how to change just the ring/surround.

    1. The gaitor is secured to the gear stick using a nylon tie so all you do is pull the broken surround over the gear knob (much like taking a t-shirt off) and you'll see the nylon tie.
    2. Cut the tie and the gaitor can be pulled completely off.
    3. The gaitor is attached to the surround using metal staples.
    4. Straighten the staples using pliers and pull them out - keep them safe so you can reattach them using the new surround.
    5. With your eBay surround and gaitor remove the staples and separate the surround.
    6. Attach new surround to original gaitor using original staples. The holes in the gator can easily be reused so the staples go straight through.
    7. Get a new nylon tie and feed it through the top of the original gaitor - there is a little fabric "tunnel" at the top (thanks Renault!) to make life easier.
    8. When re-attaching gaitor to car start from the top: Invert the gaitor through the surround (like turning a t-shirt inside out by pushing the neck down) and push it over the gear knob.
    9. There is a small channel in the gear knob where you can secure the nylon tie to the gear knob.
    10. Once the inside-out gaitor is attached to the gear knob push the surround down and you'll see the gaitor nicely shows the right side and you can click the new surround info place.
    11. Done.
    eddie ninja likes this.
  5. Daz


    It's so easy I'm surprised it needs explaining :smile:
  6. Don't be surprised - I am that mechanically incompetent.
  7. Cheers fella. :-)

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