Anyone got a working clip interface they are willing to sell? Recently bought a very cheap one off eBay but couldn’t get it working. Other options considered, I just need to bleed the ABS but this seems to be the only option thanks!
Is it the hardware or a software issue? my clip software expired last year. I was running it on windows 10 which a seller on eBay said wouldn’t work but it deffo was. They said I would need to be running windows 7 for any version they could supply.
Running on windows 7 32bit which should work. Have a feeling it’s a hardware issue as I’m pretty sure the drivers installed correctly, it just fails to update the device firmware. tbf it’s probably my own fault for buying an “untested” interface on eBay for too cheap!!
Rename appliiso & applican files e.g. to appliiso.bak & applican.bak and test if it stops trying to update. These files are in \CLIP\DATA\APPLI\PARAMS\. Check also \CLIP\Config -> probesConfiguration.xml that Conf_param name ="FwUpdateBehavior" is set to value 4.