Removing Door Storage Box

Discussion in 'Electrical & Interior - Security, ICE, Wiring Loom' started by Lacko, Mar 16, 2014.

  1. Any tips? Im attempting to take it out so i can sort the reg out ( ha ha) . Ive taken out 2 screws out of pull handle 1 by the open lever and 2 on the bottom judt need to get this bloody box out the way!
  2. Mine took some real force , it almost felt as if there was another screw hidden and I was going to break it but then it just popped free.
  3. Yeah right in the middle at front? Im quite good at breaking things!
  4. Taking it apart is easy, trying to get it back on rattle free is the real problem.
  5. Got mine out today. The box has the locating tabs on the sides but right at the rear, ie door side. So no good levering out the front, got to lever towards the rear of the box and it pops out. Look after that trim though.
  6. id be careful though. snapped the lid off mine while loosing my patience..£170 new from reno..... you just need to prize the sizes with a badge remover or blunt edge enough to squeeze the side to prize it upwards..
  7. Cheers all got it in the end but just snapped one bit on the front! But u agree with Ben_r1 got pissed off with attempting to put the door card back on what a faff!

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