RED BULL BURGLARY: 60 trophies stolen from Formula 1 racing team

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by dinn, Dec 6, 2014.

  1. Stu


    Obviously Vettel didn't want to leave them behind..........:tongueout:
  2. B4LOkTeIgAEewdL.png

    ram-raid, very old school.

    What are they worth thought? Better stealing the car off the wall.
  3. A lot of effort for stainless steel (no pun intended) I would have thought most of the trophys are replicas... Not the genuine ones that they have actually won...
  4. Most of them are replicas so not worth anything and very hard if not impossible to sell on.

    A massive blow nevertheless as they symbolise the hard work and dedication that every team member has contributed so in that respect they are priceless.
  5. Thought 60 redbull megane trophys had been stolen at first
  6. Mercedes hired "bad guys" to break Red Bull team morale :tongueout:

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