265 Recirc' valve

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by Paul ja, Jul 5, 2019.

  1. Hi

    Any words wisdom on the best / easiest way to change this ?
  2. Good timing Paul, I redid mine yesterday as I was told my properfekt one was acting as a blanking plate cause it wasn't lined up properly and I had to adjust it. Basically it's a bloody painful thing to do, especially the bottom bolt. I found twisting the water hose clamp below it out of the way helps and lifting the turbo intake pipe as far out of the way helps but you will have sore hands afterwards, it's a tight squeeze to get your hand in there. Luckily I do have a telescopic magnet to catch the bolt if it drops but still had to jack the car up to find the bolt after dropping it a couple of times. Perseverance is the key. Prepare to get annoyed but you will get it eventually. Good luck mate.
  3. Sorry Paul just realised you have a mk3. I have an R26, I hope I havnt confused things. I've just come out of hospital and I'm not totally with it yet lol
  4. No problem

    I realise its going to be pain in the ***, but thought maybe someone would have a 'how to' prepared as it seems to be a common change.
    Usually Forge give instructions for their parts but don't appear to for the recirc'
  5. Hi Paul, it’s pretty much as per what Geoff said, best to do when engine is cold, I used a 10mm bent spanner and a ratchet, the top left bolt has very small gap to remove the screw, I put a rag underneath the area in case I dropped screw, it helps to remove the sound generator (pipe fitting into firewall above the intake) you just have to pinch the pipe together to get it lose. Also helps to loosen the pipes directly in front of it, I personally loosened the intake pipe from the turbo, your then able to move that slightly out the way, not sure if you can get it out the way without removing the airbox and to remove the airbox, you have to remove the battery and battery container, which is another story takes couple of hours if you done it before... def makes huge difference if engine is stone cold... if u fitting a blanking plate you’ll here nothing unless you do a cone filter

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