Recirc leak test - possible

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by PhilWalter, Nov 22, 2015.

  1. Is there an easy visual way to confirm if my recirc valve ( Renault OEM) is leaking ? Would the soapy water test work on this ?

    Thanks !
  2. Use a might vac, they leak internal so soapy water won't work
  3. Hmmmm....don't have one of those. Maybe I purchase a Forge recirc - I've got a stage 1 map and standard airbox...just don't want any crazy obnoxious noises when driving which I might get with a Forge recirc ?
  4. You get a slight increase in noise with the forge recirc but nothing chavvy
  5. I've got a recirc, it's not really any louder tbh
  6. Running itg?

    That's when you hear it.

    You driving James's yet?
  7. No I'm running the ktec kit, it's a lot louder then the itg but the recirc valve hasn't made no difference to that noise

    Yeah driven it a bit I mot'd it

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